Sunday, June 8, 2008

Race Preparation

I love race preparation! I normally start my race prep 5 days out. This gives me plenty of time to find what is missing or what needs replacing. Ironman Kansas 70.3 is one week away, however, we leave on Thursday so it was time to get started.
I started the weekend with some bike cleaning. I make it a point to get the bikes shinning a week out from an event. You just can't race with a dirty bike. It would be like going to a fancy restaurant in shorts and flip flops when all of your friends are there in Tuxedos.
As you can tell by the pic of our kitchen table, we don't pack light for an event. I make it a point to have two of almost everything, shoes, helmets, swim goggles, 2 extra sets of wheels...etc. If I have room in the Xterra, I will usually take an extra bike. Not only do I do this for my wife and I, I do this for my friends. I would hate for anyone to miss an event because they forgot something.
I follow all of the other rules of racing, like "Never change anything before a race", "always be early to the race site" and others. I have this great friend who is the direct opposite. I won't name any names, cough, cough, HBOO, cough. We have a friendly Tri competition going. He is a big guy like me. He started a similar diet at UAMS a couple of weeks ago. He is a big inspiration for me. However, his race prep habits kill me. He borrowed a friends race wheels two days before an event in May. He didn't even have time to try them out until the day before the event. He calls me the day before the event and asks me to bring some extra swim goggles. Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Oh well, you got a love him.
My wife and I watched some Ironman footage we have recorded. It got us really excited about the race. We are also looking forward to some vacation time. We are taking off a full week for the event. I may blog one more time before we leave, if not, I will try to blog the day before the event. I should be able to blog after the event Sunday night or on Monday.
I knocked out another cheat meal tonight. My wife made pizza. Her pizza is so much better than anything you can buy. It is also not nearly as bad for you. She uses lean ground beef and the crust is not that greasy stuff. It was awesome! I have 11 more days until I start my transformation. I can't wait!


Sarah said...

Okay, replace the pics of road and tri bikes with mountain bikes and that would be me before an adventure race! You're gonna do great. You're fit. You've done the work. You're ready!

jo said...

You've saved me on a ride before (Tour de Hills)! I've made my checklist and will start packing tonight!

Yale D. Funk said...


You have certainly saved me a time or two…You kids have fun & take lots of pictures!

Yale D. have more bike stuff than me!!!

Spinnin Jenny said...

Are you sure you have enough stuff for the race? I only saw your table in the dining room piled almost to the ceiling ....maybe you need more stuff. You & Rebecca have a great time! I'm now inspired by you guys to start this silly blogging!