Friday, June 20, 2008

The first day of the rest of MY life!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! How many times have you heard this phrase? Have you ever really sat down and thought about it's meaning? Lets think about this for a minute. This phrase tells me that I can make a change in my life today that will affect me the rest of my life. I don't have to worry about the past, my mistakes, my bad decisions or my lack of positive change. It is like having permission to start over and do things the way they should be done.

It is not enough to limit your mistakes, you must make positive progress in your life. In my opinion, it takes more energy to make positive progress than it does to avoid mistakes. Take a moment to think about the bad decisions you have avoided in the past couple of weeks. I am sure most of us patted our self on the back for not making that bad decision. Did we really deserve a pat on the back for not doing the wrong thing? Shouldn't we be striving for more? Whether you are thinking about family life, work, fitness, diet or just general happiness, make an extra effort to do something that has a positive impact on your life!

Today is the first day of the rest of MY life! Today, I start on a journey that has eluded me since birth! I start a journey that will have a positive impact on some of the most important aspects of my life. Today is the first day of the weight management program.

I attended the first Weight management class last night. There were 23 people in the class. Strangely enough, It felt like what I think and Alcoholic Anonymous class may feel like. For the first few minutes, I felt like I was there because I had done something wrong and I needed help. A few minutes later, I realized that was exactly why I was there. I needed help to make a positive change in my life. The first step is admitting you have a problem. "Hello, my name is Chris. I am an over eater masquerading as an endurance athlete. I have realized I can't do this by myself, so I am here for help."

I had my first shake this morning for breakfast. It had a pleasant taste and was easy to make. My taste buds did not go in shock, I did not pass out or lose consciousness. It was a fairly uneventful event. I had my second shake at 10:30 AM. Again, no malfunction of bodily functions. I will have my fist entree in few minutes.

Make no mistake about it, I know this is going to be a long tough road. I will need the support of all my family and friends for this journey. Fortunately for me, I have the most awesome family and friends anyone could have on their side.

Today is the first day of the rest of MY life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Iron Maiden said...

You are a true inspiration and light! You're right, this is going to be a long road, but just remember that I am always quietly standing behind you 100%. I love you, Luvbug!

Sarah said...

Chris-congratulations on your steps! I'm with Iron Maiden, standing behind you, ready to spring into action whenever needed!!

Jo said...

Amen Brother Chris! Great blog and so many of us can apply that to any areas of our life that are in need of self-improvement. You DO have a wonderful support crew and I know you are going to do a great job. Ready to begin the rest of your life with you brother!

Geo said...

Just remember bubba that as you drop the pounds your pants become loose. When your pants become loose they with start to drop....showing the top of your drawers... keep in mind... you are not a rapper! Walking in the office with gang banger slacks that show those boxers with the hearts on them may be cute for the Maiden to see but does not work for you! HA!

Man, I'm proud of you! Like everyone else has said... you ARE an inspiration!

Spinnin Jenny said...

I'm inspired Ironman, and it's sobering too, to face the truth sometimes. Facing my own truths over the past year has been the beginning of REAL positive change in my life. I like your statement about having permission to start over, that's what I feel like I'm doing now with the plan for going back to nursing school ....did you know that I'm a pre-med dropout? It's like I'm going back to finish something I started long ago. Thanks for letting us live it vicariously through your blog.