Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Last meals

I need to thank all of my friends for their encouraging comments. I was blown away by everyone's response. Keep your phones handy, I will need all of you to keep me steady.

I must also apologize to all of you. I was told that just about everyone that read my blog yesterday had a craving for burger and fries and gave in at lunch. My apologies! I will only subject you to greasy torture for a couple of more weeks.

Speaking of torture, I need your help. I need all of you to help me pick my last 3 cheat meals. Take a look at the Poll in the left column. Please pick 3. This will help me decide which pleasures my taste buds will enjoy one last time. Pay attention, this is a very important process. I have decided not to pig out the last 3 weeks before I start the program. I am going to limit myself to 3 good cheat meals.

I will only mention greasy food after each of the 3 cheat meals. After that, the torture will be over and we will move on to a better place.

Two more days until the weekend and a sprint Triathlon. Three weeks until our Half Ironman in Kansas. More on these topics tomorrow.


Yale D. Funk said...


You GOT to put in American Pie and their Chicken Cheese Dip in the mix!!!

Geo said...

oh god yeah!!!! That stuff is so good you have to smoke and wipe your forehead afterward.

jo said...

hmmmm....obviously, you've never had a cheeseburger from The Hop. OMG. I was surprised that there was no KFC or Popeye's on the list. El Porton? Ok, I am getting hungry now and that sweet potato and grilled chicken is not sounding so great.

T said...

Man, you have been trying for years to lose pounds but there where too many trips to J&J's for two for tuesday's and late night chilldogs from EZ mart.